If you're dreaming about a great body then you're not alone... that's something we all want.
I think having a great body is just a natural genetic thing all bound up in that whole interaction around finding a healthy attractive mate to produce a family with... and that doesn't seem to diminish, no matter how old people get.
But from the look of North America and lots of the developed world today, we're all falling down on the job.
Having amazing abs is the ideal, but finding them can be a big job. We know they're buried here somewhere beneath that spare tire and all that belly flab... but hey!... it's often a full scale archaeological dig just to unearth them.
And we got this way because basically humans are lazy; eating is fun and exercise is just plain hard work.
Whether it's just a pad of baby fat on your tummy, some love handles or a full blown case of obesity, the plan is the same; burn off the fat and tighten up the muscles.
That sounds awfully like diet and exercise to me!
Well it sort of is... but it doesn't have to be an ordeal... in fact it can be really easy and enjoyable. A bit of easy exercise tones your muscles and promotes hormones to burn off the fat.
You can lose the weight without any pain and without ever needing to go hungry. On the plan I can show you the fat will come off your tummy first. Just click my link below and get my free book to find out how.
And the exercise part can be a real blast... I like to do it in bed... well on the bed anyway!
Get yourself some light weights-dumbells-maybe 5 to 15 pounds to start depending on your strength and size; but not too light... you've got to do a bit of work.
Lie on your back on your bed with your legs bent at the knees and dangling over the edge with your feet on the floor... if your legs are long enough for that.
Note: Ask your Doctor about these exercises before you start and stop any of these movements immediately and consult your Doctor if you feel any discomfort; especially in your lower back.
Do five to ten reps for each of these simple movements.
You can work your abs and legs just by just lifting your legs off the bed. Start with feet on the floor and lift your knees maybe six inches and lower them. Build this up until eventually you are raising your knees up to your chest.
Next straighten your knees and raise your legs off the bed from your waist down. Eventually you can raise the legs as high as you can, eventually to the vertical.
Now for some really easy weight bearing exercises:
You're still lying on the bed. Pick up a dumbbell in each hand and do some simple arm exercises. Here are some ideas... I'm sure you can invent lots of variations of your own.
1. With your arms flat on the bed, raise the dumbbells until your lower arms are vertical and lower them back to the bed. This will work your biceps.
2. Start with arms bent and dumbbells at your shoulders and raise them to the vertical. This will work your lower triceps.
3. With your arms stretched fully above your head, lift the dumbbells to the vertical while keeping the arms straight. This will work your upper triceps and deltoids and put some tension on your tummy.
4. With arms bent resting on the bed but at right angles to the body, forearms vertical, raise the arms from the shoulders until the dumbbells touch above your chest. Lower them back down again and repeat.
5. Repeat 3 starting with arms on the bed stretched out sideways from the shoulders and raise to the vertical and back. This will work your deltoids and pectorals.
So isn't that amazing... you haven't even gotten off the bed and already you have a beautiful bod.
If you still have some flab around your tummy (maybe even a whole lot of flab) that you would like to lose I can show you a proven program to get rid of that. Combine that with the simple exercises and you can be looking amazing in no time at all.
I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight -Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.
You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"
Kirrily Keayes is committed to bringing health and wealth to everyone she encounters
Labels: 802.11_a_b_g, abs-cbn-news, best-way-to-get-six-pack-abs, easy-way-to-get-six-pack-abs, getting-a-six-pack-abs, how_to_six_pack_abs, osan_ab, truth-about-six-pack-abs-book, workouts-to-get-abs