Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Exercise Abs for Symmetry

The ripped look is something most body builders and even average people strive for. It is a particularly attractive look but to exercise the abs is the wrong direction. Let me explain. The abdominals are the center piece of a ripped muscular body. No two ways about it. If a guy or gal has a nice developed body but their belly has a pouch or is distended in the case of a pot belly, the muscular body some how loses it's legitimacy. It's just a fat guy or girl with nice arms or shoulders or whatever. The reason for that can be found in the science of aesthetics.

In the case of men, the V shape is a natural triangle that is sought out by the eye. There is a certain symmetry the eye looks for when assessing the athletic attractiveness of a body. The V shape is the key. The differential between the size of the shoulders and the narrowness of the waist is recorded by the eye and the brain makes a quick assessment, defining the person as fat or thin, attractive or not attractive.

Another aspect of aesthetics is the optical illusion. When we look at any area, our eye immediately looks for detail. If there is no detail, the eye looks to the outer edges and makes assumptions, decisions and judgments about the area based on the outer edges. This applies to the abdominals. When you have a layer of fat across the skin of your abdominals, the abs themselves do not show through. This means the torso is featureless apart from the belly button. The eye naturally wanders out to the edges and focuses on the broadness, creating the optical illusion that the torso is bigger than it really is.

Conversely, when the layer of skin across your torso is thin and supple, showing the subtle shadows and arrangements of the abdominals, the eye settles on this detail. It ignores the outer edges and therefore judges the torso to be narrow. This is a documented and scientifically conclusive phenomenon. An optical illusion.

The eye travels easily from the wide shoulders to the detail of the abs, giving it the impression and perception that the V shape is particularly strong. This V shape is identified, subconsciously by women, as good breeding stock. Good genes. Naturally it is not genes at all but simply a little work and effort.

The best exercise for abs is no exercise at all!! Haha. Now you are really confused. The fact is people are confused about abs. They think, yes I want nice abs and begin to train them. What happens when you train your abs? They GROW! They get bigger! This destroys the V shape that you are after in the first place. The abdominals is a large group of muscles that respond easily to a little pedestrian exercise. They rip easy! The trick is keeping them small. That means controlling your calorie intake and reducing your body fat percentages. In this way, you get what you are really looking for-. Symmetry.

If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking HERE

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