Friday, September 25, 2009

How To Get Defined Abs For The Ultimate Body

The ultimate body shape, for men anyway, is the V shape. This inverted triangle shape is a natural shape that the eye is drawn to. The eye and the brain naturally look at the shoulders than rests at the abdominals to ascertain the slimness of that person. The differential between how broad and massive the shoulders are and the tightness and "smallness" of the abs is what the brain uses to perceive the fitness of the individual.

To get the ultimate body, you must have bumpy abs, or what is often referred to as the six pack. Without this detail a muscular body loses its legitimacy. You are often perceived more as fat than muscular until you have that six pack detail. The reason why is because of aesthetics and not muscles. When an area has no features it looks bigger because the eye has nothing to look at in the middle so it naturally follows the outline of that area. Because of this, an area is always perceived bigger when it is featureless, this is a well documented fact and known in scientific circles as an optical illusion.

If you have a thick layer of fat on your abdominals, what happens is that the details or definition of the muscles underneath are not visible. It is just a flat area with the belly button in the middle. The eye naturally traces at the edges because apart from the belly button there is no features to dwell on. This makes your torso look bigger not smaller.

There is a lot of confusion about abdominals. Specifically because what happens is this, we decide we want a nice tight set of abdominals, so what do we do about it? We train them of course. But something strange happens when we train them. The abs start looking worse, our body starts looking worse than before we put in the work! If you have a layer of fat on your tummy and on top of this layer, you enlarge your abdominal muscle group, what happens is the entire area gets bigger!!! But what we are actually after is the V taper. Large shoulders, small waste right? I hope this is making sense to you!

To get a defined set of abs you need to reduce your body fat percentage and not enlarge your abs too much. You want to train them to the point where they are bumpy. But that's it. Any more and your torso becomes too wide and that V shape becomes a square. Build shoulders arms and chest and reduce your body fat. Your abs will naturally show and be the focal point of your physique.

If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking HERE

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