Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Six Pack Abs And A Great Way To Burn Them When They Are Stubborn!

I've always really enjoyed seeing my clients faces when they finish one of our workouts and are holding their stomach's and shaking their heads in satisfied understanding.

You see many times people have come to train saying they've reach what we call a 'plateau' in their abs training. They've become used to a particular exercise and rep range. That's when it gets exciting. I go into this in much more detail in my book - AbMetrics. But for this article I am going to explain what we do.

Basically I work 'opposites' - by this I mean, when that feeling of a plateau sets in, I work with the client to see exactly what they are doing and I reverse the program.

i.e. if they do 100 sit ups for example with just body weight - I reverse them to lower reps of say 10 with weighted abdominal work.

This is a simple example and it is more in depth than that but the gist is exactly as I said. I firstly like to confuse and 'reprogram' the abs - regularly doing this in the way I do blasts through plateaus. Don't get me wrong, these are challenging moments but I love going through them and seeing the other side, where training kicks in to being a 'results based' past time again....

Secondly, I have a complete guide to my 'confusion' techniques in the book but another thing that works wonders is 'exhaustion reps' - these have been around a while and are something you work up to...but after all is said and done and the ab workout is over, I've been known to get my clients straight back into an exercise they've not done in a while or not even heard of. I'm there letting them know its got to be done...etc etc and the results are incredible as the body is not prepared and the mind is already on its way to the showers...

but you can do it alone also. Just don't think about anything else, do your sets then when you know you are finished pop in a new final set of a completely different exercise for say 10-30 this with as much strict form as possible - THEN finish....

The showers await and your stomach WILL burn...all the way through your plateaus. And six pack abs are the final end result.

Tristan Lewis is a Certified Fitness Professional, Personal Trainer and Author of the most informative book on abdominal training on the internet. He has travelled the world training clients and has spent 15 years in over 15 Countries in the research of his book. His AbMetrics - The Global Almanac of Proven Abdominal Training was researched thoroughly and provides many new and exciting proven abdominal exercises as well as a structuring of the 'classics' that work. Get the book now

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