How To Get Flat Abs Fast
Lets face it, the abdominal muscle group is the center piece on any muscular body. The reason why is because of the science of aesthetics. The eye will naturally follow the V shape of wide shoulders and a small set of abs. This V shape makes the eye settle at the abs which is why the abdominals are so popular as a body part to work on.
But there is some bad news. Most people are very confused about getting a flat, lean, ripped set of abs. Many people give up because of the phenomenon I am about to share with you now. People get confused about the V shape. The reason why a muscular body is so much more appealing with a nice set of abs is because of the differential dimensions between the shoulders and the torso. The wider the shoulders and the smaller the torso, the more satisfying the body is to look at. The eye searches out that V shape.
But what do we do when we decide to get a real nice set of abs? What can we do? We do what all the trainers suggest and that is to work them. To do ab crunches and sit ups. Makes sense? Of course it does...or does it? When you work your abdominals, you GROW them. I hope you just read that, it is the most important point on this page!
When you grow your abdominals you reduce the differential between the top of the wide V shape and the narrow tapered bottom, the abs, because the abs are getting thicker and wider. When we begin to work the abdominals, we grow them. The abs naturally respond to the strain you apply to them. If you also have a layer of fat across your abs, this along with the now larger abdominal muscle group begins to dominate your physique and shape. Make sense?
The abs are a large muscle group that respond very effectively to resistance training. They can easily be ripped. But we are not trying to grow this responsive muscle group. We are trying to create the V shape taper that the eye naturally seeks out. so the job is essentially to reduce your body fat percentage. Increase the size of your shoulders arms and chest (which can never be too big) and make the skin across your abs as thin, tight and supple as possible. The good news is, groveling on the floor doing back breaking sit ups is completely unnecessary on an ongoing basis. You do need to do some crunches to get them to respond, but the abdominals is one muscle group that you don't need to grow too big!
If you would like to get a six pack in 23 days or less, buy The "Abs In 23 Days" training program. You can learn more about this award winning, abdominal pumping, fat stripping product by clicking HERE
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