Best Way To Lose Stomach Fat And Get Six-Pack Abs
If you were to ask a group of people what part of their body needs the most work, they would all say their stomach. Everybody wants six pack abs but most people have a hard time getting them because they can't get rid of the stubborn layer of fat that covers their abdominal muscles. No matter how many stomach crunches they do, six pack abs will not show unless they change their eating habits and start an interval exercise routine.
Eating Plan
Instead of eating three meals a day, eat six smaller meals with fist-sized portions. Get enough quality protein daily. Protein has a high thermic effect so you burn calories digesting it. Plus it's a building block for maintaining and building lean muscle, which is an important factor for controlling your metabolism.
Not all carbs are bad. Good carbs are high in fiber like vegetables, fruits, and unrefined grains. Avoid all refined sugars and refined grains these wreck havoc on your metabolism and keep you fat. Remember, fiber helps to fill you up and it slows down the glycemic response of the foods you eat, all beneficial for getting and staying lean.
Eating fat does not make you fat. Not eating enough fat can have a negative affect on hormone levels in your body as well as causing more cravings. Eat healthy fats like nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. Avoid artificial trans fats from margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods.
Exercise Routine
The key to a good routine is variety and combining short bursts of intense action with longer periods of less strenuous movements. Such as:
Jumping exercises - squat jumps, box jumps, lunge jumps, and broad jumps are some of the best exercises to include in your routine. Squat jumps are known to produce considerable amounts of testosterone and that means more muscle and less fat on your entire body, not just your legs. And you can't beat rope jumping as a great full body exercise. Once you get good, you can jump rope much faster, which will allow you to get a more intense workout. The goal is speed when rope skipping. Try mixing together two legged jumps, one-legged jumps, and arm crossovers to keep things interesting and increase the intensity. Now alternate 15-20 second high intensity bursts where you jump as fast as you possibly can, followed by 15-20 second recovery intervals where you jump slowly to get ready for your next burst and repeat.
Swimming is a great full body workout when you swim as hard as you can to the other side of a 25-meter or 50-meter pool. Rest enough to catch your breath between sprint swims (about 20-40 seconds). You can also mix different strokes (crawl, breaststroke, sidestroke, backstroke, butterfly) on each swim sprint. Swimming pumps up the upper body without any soreness the next day.
Using an exercise ball will target virtually every muscle in the body. To work the abs, sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground. Slowly lean back until your thighs and torso are parallel with the floor. You'll need to roll forwards or backwards to see what position is most comfortable. Next contract your abdominals and raise your torso to about 45 degrees. Slowly return to the starting position. To bring more of the oblique muscles in, you can simply move your feet closer together alternate twisting to each side.
If you would like more information about weight training, losing stomach fat, and getting six pack abs, Derek Bijnaam has discovered a powerful training and nutrition system. He revels it here at
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