Monday, February 9, 2009

3 Simple Free Workout Routines to Get Six Pack Abs Without Doing 100 Abdominal Exercises

Will 100 sit-ups or crunches a day give you six pack abs?

Not in isolation and not while you have a layer of fat that covers your abs. Targeted exercises are a waste of time if they do not form part of a holistic plan. Body fat needs to be burned from the body as a whole, and not just the abdominal area.

Eating habits also need to be changed so that the body burns fuel more efficiently. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, rather eat 6 smaller portions every day. A portion should not be bigger than your fist.

In addition to changing eating habits, these 3 simple routines will help you develop rock hard ribbed abs.

Interval Training This exercise routine includes intermittent bursts of hard rigorous action followed by a period of less strenuous activity.

Interval training is the fastest way to increase the metabolism rate. This allows the body to burn fuel and excess fat a lot faster. If you want ribbed abs to be visible, this is the quickest way to do it.

Interval training can be done on a track, park or road.

Sprint as hard as you can for 20 - 30 seconds followed by a brisk walk for 3 minutes. Repeat this exercise 5 times in a session. For optimal results, do this exercise for a minimum of 3 times a week.

Leg lifts Lay on your back keeping your hands behind your head.

Using your abdominal muscles, lift your legs to approximately 60 degrees from the floor and hold them there for 10 seconds. Then let them down slowly without letting them touch the floor.

Start off with 3 times 10 - 15 reps and work yourself up to 3 times 30 reps.

It is better to do this exercise every second day. Do not do this every day. Your muscles need resting time so that they can build up.

Push-ups or chin ups These exercises can be used as complimentary exercises. Did you know the abdominal muscles support the other muscles during exercise?

Try doing just 3 times 10 push-ups or chin-ups every second day and watch your abs become hard and ribbed.

To prevent injury and straining, do the different exercises on alternate days. For Example, don't do the leg-lifts and push-up on the same day as the interval training.

Please understand that a well designed exercise program is the best way to develop six pack abs without the risk of injury. This also ensures that you get maximum results in the shortest time frame possible.

If you would like to know which abs exercise program we highly recommend, click here

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