Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Best Abs Exercises You Can Do To Get Six Pack Abs

The best abs exercise you can do is one that works the whole of your abdominal section. There is one "all-in-one" abs exercise that does this very well, but if you prefer to do multiple abs exercises, there are several that will work together to give you a full abdominal workout.

Although this is the best abs exercise according to many people, opinions will vary across the board, because of personal preference, different training methods, past experience and the latest research into health and fitness. Try out my best abs exercise described below and see what you think, but do keep your eyes open for more abs exercises. You may find another one that you prefer.

The Best Abs Exercise

Lie on your back, cup your hands behind your head for support (don't lift your head or put pressure on your neck), then draw your knees into your chest. That was easy, right?

Now comes the hard part. Extend your right leg, keeping your foot 10-12 inches off the ground. As you do so, perform a crunch and touch your right elbow to your left knee, which should still be up at your chest. That's half a repetition.

To complete the repetition, swap sides. Pull your right leg back into your chest and extend your left leg. At the same time, lower your shoulder blades back to the ground then do another crunch and touch your left elbow to the right knee. That's one whole repetition.

Do 10-15 reps and take a rest, then repeat the whole thing 3 times. Remember that you should be touching your elbows to opposite knees, because it's the twisting that works your obiques. The crunches work your upper abs, and the leg cycling movements work your lower abs. All in all, this is one of the best abs exercises you can do.

Other Best Abs Exercises

If you want do several exercises because you don't like that one or you find it a bit tough, here's a few more simple ones.

Crunches: Standard, traditional and the staple diet of most abs workouts. Lie on your back and bend your knees so you can place your feet flat on the floor. Now cup your hands behind your head, contract your abs and lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and relax.

Leg raises: Lie on your back and place your hands by your sides, palms down. Cross your ankles, and keeping your legs as straight as you can lift your feet straight up into the air so that they're almost vertical. Hold for 1-2 seconds and relax.

The plank: Lie on your front with your hands on front of your face, palms down. Lift yourself up onto your forearms, so that your weight is spread evenly between your forearms and your toes. Make sure your back and body are in a straight line, and hold that position for 30-60 seconds. Then relax.

The best abs exercise isn't the only thing you need for six pack abs, or even just flat and toned abs. Getting killer abs takes dedication and discipline, but it's not all as hard as you might think. A combination of the right diet, specially designed workouts and the best abs exercises will give you a perfect six pack.

To learn more about the easiest and fastest way to get six pack abs, visit

David Spencer is a fitness and six pack abs nutcase. He's spent years learning about weight loss and improving muscle definition, and working on his own six pack abs. Start your abs workout today, and have your very own six pack abs in no time.

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