Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Exercise Ball Abs Workouts For Everyone

Exercise ball abs workouts are here to stay. The advance of abs workouts and exercises has produced in the way, many tools and equipment geared towards making the most out of physical motion and stress. The exercise balls (also called Pilates balls or Swiss balls), are perhaps the perfect equipment to work our core are, by giving it strength and good looks.

When you do traditional abs exercises, you are working only one part of your abs for the most time (either your rectus abdominus, the transverse abdominal muscles or the obliques) but with exercise ball abs workouts, you are working a bigger group of muscles at the same time. This makes them a complete solution to develop the core section.

Try these two exercises I show you here and you'll start seeing amazing results and triggering muscles you didn't even know you had!

Abdominal Curl with Exercise Ball

With the abdominal curl with an exercise ball, you are going to work the whole muscle groups on the abs. It is one of the most complete exercise for abs out there.

1. Lie on the exercise ball, parallel to the floor. Knees forming a 90 degree angle.

2. Slowly and with control, lift your shoulder upwards without bending the hips.

3. Slowly go back to the starting point.

4. Repeat for a full set.

Exercise Ball Abdominal Roll-ups

This ball exercise targets the obliques, the rectus abdominus and the hip flexors.

1. Kneel and position the ball in front of you.

2. Lie on top of the floor.

3. Reach out, letting your hands touch the ground, rolling the ball towards your thighs.

4. Walk your hands until the chin touch the ball, while keeping at all times the abs contracted and the shoulders aligned with the hands.

5. 5. Pull forward the ball with your legs, and then bend your knees towards your chest while the ball is rolled beneath the exerciser until the knees touch the chest.

6. Go back to start and repeat for a full set.

Try these instructions, and you'll be surprised how effective exercise ball abs really are. Remember to be constant and complement exercise with a good diet. Good luck!

Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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