Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loose Your Gut Using These 6 Steps to a Healthier Life and Great Abs Quick

Loose your gut by adopting these 6 steps to a healthier life and you will be able to see some great results fast. First, you must understand the concept that "Eat less and exercise more" is the law of thermodynamics that cannot be violated. This concept is one of the simplest to follow and yet we are faced with a society that cannot coped with this problem.

If you have been looking for a healthier life and training for a set of power pack abs, take note that these 7 steps can give you a leaner body as well as an added bonus, it will reduce your risk of getting cancer. So let's quickly skim through these 6 steps and get your butt off the computer and start implementing your workout and diet schedule.

1 - You have to be physically active everyday, at least for 30 minutes. It is not too much to ask of your time. Regardless of how busy you are, you can just take a stroll, jog around, and try to come up with a schedule using interval training or gym training.

2. Avoid foods such as fried chicken, fried foods, fast food like burgers and also avoid any foods that have plenty of sugar, calories and fats in them. Especially avoid soft drinks that contain plenty of sugar.

3. When preparing for your meals, always try to be aware that you need to have at least two-thirds of your meal to be mostly from plant origins. You are highly recommended to consume plenty of vegetables, beans and fruits. Try to have whole grain like wholemeal bread or brown rice instead of white rice.

4. Avoid or if possible, reduce your intake of processed meat. Some examples of processed meat can be ham and bacon.

5. Another thing to take note is to avoid salt as well (prevents water retention in your body). You should also stay away from moldy grains as well.

6. If possible, when you are on a diet, try to just consume the kind of foods being advised, and as much as possible, try not to include health dietary supplements into your diet. Go natural.

Hopefully, the above 6 points will be able to help you loose your gut, live a healthier life, and maybe start seeing some great abs on you.

For you are seriously trying to slim your waistline, stop piling on the fats, get discipline, enforce determination and get your own personal health magazine washboard abs at

Don't wait for the next new year and the next and the next, make your stand to loose your gut now and get these free reports at to start losing your abdominal fats.

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