Saturday, January 30, 2010

Exercises That Give You Strong Abs

Investing in strong abs is one the best choices you can make. Not only you will look better, but you will also be strengthening your whole core are and that will result in wellness and increased performance in any physical activity. Even sex! However you have to combine the exercising with a good diet, you can do as much exercise as you want, but if you never wipe off that layer of fat, your muscles will not show.

If you combine interval cardio training, a diet and exercises that give you strong abs, you're guaranteed success. Period. Put some dedication, some sweat and a lot of motivation, cause this is a journey for the constant people. Here I leave with the best exercises that will give you strong abs, with no order in particular:

Hip Extensions

1. Lie on the floor, putting your feet on something like a chair or fitness ball.

2. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your midsection in line with the rest of the body. Hold.

3. Repeat for a full set.

Leg Lifts

1. Lie on a flat surface.

2. Lift off your legs so they form a 90 degree angle with the floor.

3. Slowly bring back your legs to the floor.

4. Repeat for a full set.

You can vary these exercises doing each leg separate. If you have lower back problems don't do these exercises, as it puts certain strain on it if done the wrong way. The key is using your abdominal muscles alone.

Toe Taps

1. Begin by sitting on a chair. Sit up straight with your hands behind your ears.

2. Lift your knees so your feet are about five inches off the floor.

3. Alternating your feet, tap on the floor with light movements.

4. Focus on your abdominal and have control when you rise and when you lower.

5. Repeat.

Wood chops

This will work your abs, thighs and arms at the same time! At the same time thanks to the activity it will increase your heart rate and metabolism.

1. Start in a lunge position. That is one knee bent I front off you and the other knee bent down almost to the ground.

2. Stretch forward your hands at chin level.

3. Slowly rotate your body trying to reach the ceiling facing the opposite direction.

That's it. These simple exercises will give you strong abs guaranteed! Be sure to be constant on your workout and combine it with a healthy diet and a good cardio workout. Good luck!

Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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