Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How To Get Abs

Many people, young and old, desire to know how to get abs. What if I told you that you already have abs? Well believe it or not, you do but there hiding. The reason you don’t see them or many of your other muscles is because they are surrounded by the very thing we hate the most, fat.

Let me end the confusion on how to get abs once and for all. I am speaking from many years of trial and expense so let me save you the time and money. Don’t buy fancy magic ab machines, please don’t buy the magic fat burner pill because it will do more harm than anything, and save your money that you would spend on those items to buy for the new clothes you will have to buy once you lose those inches!

How to get abs? Here you go... The main keys in order to lose that tire around your belly once and for all are to:

1. Be patient. You must tell yourself that this is not going to happen overnight. How long did it take you to get that tire? A long time. I am not saying that it will take you years to lose it because it won’t. As long as you are committed, you will lose the weight.

2. Discipline yourself. “Do or do not...there is no try” as Yoda says. Whatever you do, realize that this will not work without you sticking to this program. Unfortunately, they don’t sell discipline at the store. I wish they did. I would be the first in line!

3. Exercise. Depending on how fast you want to achieve your goal, I recommend working your abs out 3 times per week every other day. A good ab routine should take approximately 15-20 minutes from start to finish. So you shouldn’t complain that this is too demanding. Though there are many routines, you can start with the basic crunch. Slow and controlled movements are what we are after. Remember quality not quantity. I recommend 3 sets of 10 reps. Start there and work your ways up.

4. Do cardio. You can do many different exercises to lose the fat. They include running, walking, aerobic exercise, spinning, jump rope, basketball, swimming, or anything else that will get your heart rate into the targeted zone.

5. Eat right. Ok, I know, this one is probably the toughest one for many of us but it is the most important. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Usually it would be breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Choose foods high in fiber. So instead of white bread choose whole wheat and brown rice. Cut down on sodium because it will for sure bloat your stomach and watch the seasoning. I am not saying to take it out completely but remember in moderation.

6. Avoid alcohol. This will only give you more work.

7. Water. Whether you are doing this for abs or not you should be drinking water all the time. A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide by 2, and that’s how many ounces you should drink. As an example, if you weigh 200 pounds, divide by 2, would mean to drink 100 ounces per day. I know it sounds like a lot but once you do it your body will want more. Trust me. Your body craves water.

I can say with complete confidence that if you do these things, people will be asking you how to get abs. Go for it!

My name is George Gerbasi, an avid lover of fitness, and I am here to tell you nothing but the absolute truth about abs. For more great tips on how to get abs visit my site at http://www.howtoget-abs.blogspot.com

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