Monday, September 8, 2008

The Abs Diet Review

A recent study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that about 60% of Americans who try to lose weight do so by restricting their calorie intake, with one in 10 skipping meals to strip off pounds. Calories are needed to preserve body tissue, so when you suddenly begin eating fewer calories, you begin shedding body tissue. And because muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat does, your body preferentially sheds muscle. At the same time, it tries to pack-rat away fat, saving it for later, in case the lean times continue. Over time, on a restrictive diet, you lose weight—a lot of fat, but also a lot of muscle. You know that motivational phrase, stay hungry? Ignore it. Stay full. Ignore the call to starvation and deprivation. A diet is about what you eat. Not what you don't.

As an answer to the starvation diet, David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of MEN’S HEALTH, developed a diet program known as the Abs Diet. The Abs Diet claims to offer the a simple, fast and effective plan to strip away belly fat and turn the flab into muscle. The science behind The Abs Diet is to help you build more muscle by eating the right foods and exercising so that your body burns fat faster resulting in weight loss. The Abs Diet works to stimulate a 12-pound weight loss in two weeks while flattening the tummy.

A six week plan, the Abs Diet involves you eating 12 nutrient-packed powerfoods,almonds and other nuts, beans and pulses, spinach and other green veg, low-fat dairy products, instant hot oat cereal, eggs, turkey and other lean meats, peanut butter, olive oil, wholegrain breads and cereals, extra protein powder and raspberries and other berries that provide all the vitamins, minerals and fiber needed for good health. The formula developed by the Abs Diet calls for eating two or three of the 12 power foods for three main meals and one or two power foods as part of three smaller snacks.

As with any other program, the Abs Diet offers additional materials which promote the success of the program. If you would like to find out more about the Abs Diet and the additional products visit my website at The Abs Diet

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