Lose Belly Fat - Gain Great Abs
What is best Abs Workout?
The answer to the age-old question of "How can I lose stomach fat using Abs?" The answer is; None! Abs workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss
I have been asked many times while working out what are the best exercises for losing stubborn fat to show off a great six pack. Everyone is looking for a miracle Abs workout that will slash their fat in no time.
The problem is they are going about it in the wrong way, you do NOT lose stomach fat just by doing Abs workouts.
The best answer I can give is to include full body exercises including, squats, lunges, deadlifts, pressups, snatches, swings, sprinting, etc. etc.
You must combine those full body exercises into a workout that maximizes your metabolism. However I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these should only be a small part of your workout as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. There is no alternative but to combine your hard workouts with a healthy diet. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of rubbish foods, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the number one priority for gaining a six pack. So let's get this straight.
Do not waste so much of your time focusing on all the usual abs exercises such as situps, crunches, etc.etc. Focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Together with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will be yours in no time!
If you are really serious about losing that belly fat and gaining superb Abs check out this site: http://www.losebellyfatstrategy.com
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