Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Best Lower Abdominal Exercise Which Will Help You To Get Six Pack Abs

Be honest and answer yourself - are you satisfied with your lower abdominal? Would you like to improve it? If so, you are in the right place. In this article I am going to tell you about the best lower abdominal exercise which will help you to get nice abdominal as fast as possible.

Many people think that when you do any abdominal exercise, you train both upper and lower parts of your abdominal. This is a big mistake. You should train upper and lower abdominal separately. So, let's talk about the best lower abdominal exercise which has helped me.

From my experience, the best lower abdominal exercise is the reverse crunches. It is very easy and effective.

1. Lye on your back and cross your ankles.
2. Your arms should be placed on the floor.
3. Slowly raise your hips off the floor and then lower your hips back.
4. Repeat the process as many times as you can.

Many people say that you should repeat this process 30 times, but I think that you should stop as soon as you feel that it is enough.

So, do this exercise 3 or 4 times a week and you will be satisfied with your lower abdominals. You can also try other exercises but as for me, this is the best lower abdominal exercise.

I have tried a lot of different fat loss and exercise plans. They all were worthless. 90 percent of these books is a scam. So don't be fooled. If you really want to loose your belly fat and get flat, ripped abs, you should take a look at the special book, which has helped me to get six pack abs in a month.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - How To Get Flat Abs Very Fast

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