Want Gwen Stefani Abs? Here's How To Get Them
She's known for them and even though she's a mother now, she loves to show them off. Gwen Stefani is famous for her abs, but they didn't happen overnight. Photos of Stefani in the mid to late nineties shows a distinct paunch. It wasn't until Stefani got serious about her diet and exercise program that her abs responded in a huge way. So, how does she do it? Her ab success is very likely a regularly adhered-to diet and exercise plan, an example of which follows: (You can get a free newsletter from Stefani's trainer outlining more tips, the link is at the end of this article)
Stefani's Abs Start With A Monitored Diet: Stefani, who currently weight approximately 110-115 pounds at 5'6 has not always been as thin as she is now. To maintain her chiseled abs, she has to maintain her current low weight so that her abs show through. No matter how cut your abs are, if you have excess fat or waist weight, you will not have the appearance of rock hard abs. So, the first step of getting Stefani's abs is getting as close as possible to your ideal weight. You'll need to chose an eating plan that enables you to maintain good health, a healthy weight, and which offers you enough flexibility and choices so that you can comfortably live with the program. The FDA recommends approximately 2,000 calories for a moderately active woman, but you can't maintain a thin body by getting these calories from processed or junk foods. It's vitally important that your calories come from healthful, whole, low dense foods. It's a celebrities' job to look good, but even they can't eat Big Macs or Ding Dongs and look like Gwen Stefani. Regardless of how or where they get their food, most celebrities adhere to a healthful eating plan.
Gwen Stefani's Abs Require Regular, Cardio And Targeted Abdominal Workouts: Once you're at your goal weight, you'll need to put in exercise time to limit body fat and build the muscles required to get rock hard abs. To tone your muscles and lessen body fat, you'll need to do regular cardio exercises, like running, aerobics, dancing, boxing, biking, or high intensity exercise videos. You'll need to combine this cardio with specific circuit muscle training. And since you're targeting your abs, you'll need to special attention to working and challenging your abdominal and waist muscles. This is easily achieved by during crunches and waist twists on an physio ball or using specific abdominal exercise equipment. If you sign up for Stefani's trainer's free newsletter (link below), you'll get tons more specific exercise examples.
Gwen Stefani's abs can be yours with an awful lot of hard work. You'll need determination, patience, time, an effective eating plan, and regular cardiovascular and targeted abdominal exercise. Yes, it will be a lot of hard work, but imagine how proud you will feel when ab bearing or snug wasted clothing is actually welcomed rather than dreaded.
To receive Mike Heatlie's (Gwen Stefani's trainer) free newsletter, sign up here
Labels: ab-dick, great-six-pack-abs, six-pack-abs-in-6-weeks