Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Get A Flat Stomach & Perfect Abs In 2 - 3 Weeks

If you want to get a flat stomach and perfect abs fast, this article has the answer you seek. While many people believe that it takes months and even years to get the flat stomach that they dream of, this is simply a misconception. If you play your cards right, follow the right diet guidelines and do the correct workout routines, you can get an impressive flat stomach in as little as 2--3 weeks. This article will show you how.

In order to get flat abs in 2--3 weeks, you need to burn off that layer of stubborn belly fat which hides your abdominal muscles. To do so you need to invest in proper nutrition and exercise.


1. Avoid fried food -- All that fried oil is like a blanket of fat which goes to your belly and covers your abs.

2. Avoid sugary drinks -- All that artificial sugar is quickly converted to fat.

3. Avoid trans fats (unhealthy processed fats) -- Check each article of food that you buy in the supermarket to see whether it contains trans fats. If it does, forget about it for 2--3 weeks.

4. Avoid un-complex carbs -- white bread, regular rice, regular pasta and other pastries are full of empty calories which give you little energy and are quickly converted to fat by your body. Eat whole flour or wheat bread, whole rice, pasta made from whole wheat, and avoid useless pastries.


1. Avoid regular cardiovascular activity -- Most people do continuous cardiovascular activity at a regular pace for a long time. This is a mistake. By doing interval cardio activity, you will burn much more fat and bring out those sexy abs.

2. Avoid doing crunches and sit-ups -- These kinds of low intensity exercises do little to develop your ab muscles. They also waste your time and you'll need to make excellent use of every minute of it in order to get a flat stomach in 2--3 weeks.

3. Avoid focused workout routines -- Invest your time in full body workouts. These kind of workouts are much more strenuous and so will burn a lot more fat from your entire body in general and your stomach in particular.

4. Avoid workout machines and gadgets -- working out with free weights or barbells is much more effective. These kinds of exercises will develop your body and cut down on your body fat much faster than workout machine exercises.

If you follow these 8 nutritional and fitness tips, you will see fast results. In 2--3 weeks, your stomach will be flatter and your abs more prominent and attractive.

To discover 27 additional nutritional tips to boost your metabolism rate and more fitness tricks to take your workouts to a new level, click here: Tips and Secrets To Getting A Flat Stomach And Sexy Abs. John Davenport achieved his flat stomach and six pack abs. To read how he did it, click here How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast.

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