Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to Get 6-Pack Abs Without Crunches or Sit-Ups

One of the biggest misconceptions made by people is believing that doing 100 sit-ups or crunches is going to result in rock hard 6-packs. Concentrated exercise alone will not give you 6-Packs. A more holistic approach is required.

There are 3 important elements to attaining those wonderful 6-Packs:

Diet The best eating plan does not include 3 meals a day. Our bodies are not designed to function in this manner. When limiting ourselves to 3 large meals, we are forcing our bodies to store extra food as fat. It is this fat that covers our abs and prevents 6-pack abs from being visible, no matter how hard we exercise.

In order to burn fuel efficiently, it is important to eat at least 6 meals in smaller portions. A portion should be no larger than your fist.

If you want to build muscle, cut out on the carbohydrates and increase your protein intake.

Eating in this manner will help increase your metabolism and allow your body to burn fat and fuel with greater efficiency.

Interval Training Interval training is the best way to increase your metabolism. This will allow you to burn fat a lot quicker.

Try the following out;

Run as fast as you can for 20 - 30 seconds and then walk briskly for 3 minutes. Repeat this 5 times in a session. Do this exercise for a minimum of 3 times a week. This exercise includes bursts of hard action followed by a period of less strenuous activity. Use a park, street or track.

Leg lifts Lay on your back with your hands behind your head. Using your abdominal muscles, lift your legs to approximately 60 degrees from the floor and hold them there for 10 seconds. Then let them down slowly. Do not let your feet touch the floor!

Start off with 3 times 10 - 15 reps and work yourself up to 3 times 30 reps. Do this every second day. This is extremely important because your muscles need a rest period in order to build up.

As complimentary exercises, Push-ups and Chin-ups are an excellent way to develop ribbed abs. The reason for this is that the abdominal muscles will always support the other muscles during exercises.

Please understand that a well designed exercise program is the best way to develop six pack abs without the risk of injury. This also ensures that you get maximum results in the shortest time frame possible.

If you would like to know which abs exercise program we highly recommend, click here

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