Tuesday, October 21, 2008

4 Top Tips to Lower Abs Fat

Fat around the Abs is a common problem for many adults. And, unfortunately, stomach fat is one of the hardest areas to work on. You must never give up though. It is never too late to remove belly fat from around the waist. Here are some things you need to look at doing:

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet- Healthy diet is of vital importance. You need to eat at least 6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day as well as 6 servings of grain. You can have sweet foods and snacks but you need to make sure that you don't eat them that often.


  2. Cardiovascular Exercise- Cardiovascular exercise, and the burning of calories, is the most effective way to burn fat and hence lose weight. You won't just be burning fat from your stomach though; you will be burning fat from your entire body.


  3. Abs Workout- Another thing you have to look at is working the lower belly region with an Ab targeted workout. A mid-section workout will have some effect on lowering fat around the Abs, but it will also build up your muscles and help your posture. A better posture can help you look like you have less stomach fat.


  4. Build your Upper Body- If you want to help with the illusion of less belly fat, you need to also work on your upper body. If you work on building your arms and chest- as they get bigger it will have the illusion of your mid-section looking smaller.
Lowering fat around the Abs, or at least giving the impression that you are thinner is a result of all of the steps I have mentioned above. If you follow these tips, you should see results fairly quickly.

Want a free report that will help you get rid of Stubborn Abs Fat? Just visit http://www.how-to-get-6-pack-abs.com to pick up your free copy.

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