Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flatten Your Abs and Make Them Hard, Too!

No doubt, you have probably heard of Pilates exercises. You probably wanted to try them at one point but have felt hesitant. You wonder if it is worth your time and money or if it is just another one of those fads. Well, to se that it really works, here are some free Pilate exercises for you to try.

Before you begin your exercises, it would be beneficial for you to take a few minutes and learn the C curve. Learning this will help you to get the most of your exercises as well as make them even easier to do.

The way you get yourself into the C curve position is by first sitting with your feet flat on the floor and have your knees bent. Be sure that you keep your shoulders and head up. Then, place your hands behind your knees and exhale. When you exhale, pull your stomach inward. When you do this, you’ll feel your head and shoulders go down to the point you are looking at your stomach. Your back will form a deep C-shaped curve, and you’ll have mastered this position. Now, you are ready to do these exercises.

Roll Ups

Once you get the hang of this exercise, it not only becomes easier to do: but, it also flattens your abs tremendously. Not to mention, your confidence will be boosted, and you’ll possess those rock hard abs you always wanted.

1. Lie flat on your back with your legs out straight. It would be beneficial for you to have a mat when doing this exercise as it will provide more comfort.

2. Raise your arms up toward the ceiling.

3. When you breathe in stretch your arms all the way up toward the ceiling.

4. When you breathe out, allow your body to roll up to the point that your spine is coming off the mat and your arms are over your legs.

5. Keep your legs straight on the mat and repeat this five times.

Is that easy or what? Now, it is time to try something else.

Leg Circles

This exercise will create the abs you want. With continued use, you’ll notice how quickly it really works.

1. Lie flat on a mat and keep your arms by your sides.

2. Lift up one of your legs slowly toward the ceiling at about a forty-five degree angle and turn your foot in slightly.

3. When exhaling, draw a full circle in the air with your foot. Don’t allow your foot to touch the floor though you want to come pretty close.

4. Do this five times and then switch.

How do you feel now?

Leg Stretch

This exercises pretty awesome as it is not only a good stretcher, it will most certainly do the trick for getting the abs you want. Here is how you do it.

1. Lie on the mat with your legs straight out. But this time, put your hands behind your head.

2. AS you breathe in, rays up your neck and head. While you raise your neck and head up, raise your legs in a forty-five degree angle. Make sure your neck and your head stay up.

3. Exhale slowly and return to the lying position.

4. Repeat this exercise ten times breathing slowly.

These may sound complicated. However, after you get the hang of it, it becomes a piece of cake. Do it long enough, not only will you feel good about yourself, you’ll flatten your abs and make them rock hard.

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