Saturday, May 17, 2008

Flat Stomach Exercises - Why If You Concentrate On Your Abs You Are Doomed To Fail?

Getting a flat stomach is much easier than people believe. The reason why people think that it's hard to get those perfect abs is that many people invest a great deal of time and effort in performing massive stomach exercises. But that is simply not true. Just because you invest a great deal of effort into something and don't succeed doesn't make it difficult. It just means that the avenue which you have chosen isn't the right one.

I'm not saying that stomach exercises are not important. In fact, in the past I wrote a lot about how to perform various ab exercises effectively and correctly, and I wouldn't have done so if I thought it was pointless. But in order to get that perfect stomach you have to expand your mind and your workout routine. Abs exercises should have a respected place in your routine, but spending a great deal of time doing endless crunches and leg curls is maybe good for beginners, but not for someone who is seeking perfection.

So what exercises should you do to get that flat stomach?

The answer is that there is no one or two special exercises which will magically turn your stomach into a hard, flat surface. The reason is that getting a flat stomach is a two level process:

1. You need to build you abs muscles - for that reason abs exercises are usefull, but you should invest in high intensity exercises. If you get to the point when you can do 100's of crunches, they're not intense enough for you.

2. You need to reduce your overall body fat - you know that stubborn layer of flab on your stomach? This is what is really keeping you from having a great belly. Burn the fat and you will have the abs you desire. The only problem is that no amount of stomach exercises will make it happen.

What will? Full body and intense workouts, the right diet, and the right cardio routines.

Invest your time in educating yourself on your diet, invest your time in full body workouts and in intense, interval cardio routines, and you will see results. And you will see them faster than you can imagine.

To read more tips on how to get a flat stomach, click here:

John Davenport writes about tips and methods to get six pack abs on a dedicated webpage on the subject at Abs Tricks, Tips, And Secrets

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