Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How to Get 6 Pack Abs

We’ve all seen them in magazines, in commercials, anywhere we go it seems – the models and fitness gurus with the 6-pack abs. There is probably no greater indicator of sex appeal than abs of steel. So how do you get 6 pack abs? You can with a little bit of discipline and a lot of hard work.

Granted, you probably won’t receive the chiselled features you see in the ads but you can lose the fat and work the abdominal muscles into shape. All the hard work in the world won’t guarantee a 6 pack because it’s impossible for some people to achieve it. The muscular structure, just like everything else in the body, is different for everybody. Some people will get a 6-pack, while others have to be happy with a 4-pack or an 8-pack.

The first thing that needs to be done is lower overall body fat. This means 10% or less for men and 14% or less for women. This can be done in two ways, and these two ways should be used together. Exercise is a must and should come in the way of cardiovascular exercise. These are the exercises that get your heart pumping and more than likely, your body sweating. They are often high intensity and include things like riding the stationary bike, running, or spending some time on the elliptical machine. This exercise should be used in combination with resistance training. This is using either free weights or weight machines to build and define muscles. This will lower the body fat and make those abs more noticeable.

To help get you started on the road to lowering your caloric intake and get that 6 pack abs, here are some tips:

· Eat about 15% - 20% below your current calorie level
· Eat 5-6 small meals instead of 2-3 large ones
· Include some high quality protein with every meal
· Choose natural, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables and brown rice
· Avoid simple carbohydrates such as white sugar and white flour

Ricky used to have a fat belly from years of drinking. Discover his secret on how he managed to get 6 pack abs in just 6 weeks with guaranteed results. Click here to find out more.

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