Monday, April 14, 2008

Bodybuilder Six Pack Secrets Revealed - Tonned Abs As Easy As 1 2 3

As you may already be aware, abdominal muscles are crucial for stability and wellbeing. Its crucial that we all take this muscle seriously as under developed abs will lead to medical conditions such as muscle strain, back pain & many other conditions. After adding abdominal workouts into your life you will find yourself sitting straighter, lifting more at the gym and working with confidence.

The Abdominal region is broken up into 4 different muscle groups ! What you will find is that you will have stronger and weaker regions in your abdominal area which is due to your current lifestyle physical activities. I personally used to suffer with one side of my body being significantly undeveloped due to being on the shovel a lot of the time.

Ok so what are these abdominal muscles called you ask ?

Transverses abdominus, rectus abdominus, external oblique muscles, and internal oblique muscles. They are present in between the ribs and the pelvis.

The first part of the Abdominal process should be diet ! You must get the old school theory out of your head that three meals a day is enough, simply put its sending your backwards.

After a couple hours of not eating your body goes into starvation mode and slows down your metabolism as it has no idea when its going to get its next meal. You must fix this as this is your easiest ticket to getting your stubborn fat of your belly. You can almost eat anything if its in moderation and spaced throughout the day. Try to stay away from Carbohydrates just before you go to bed as this will most definitely end in a flabby stomach.

The Second for abs development is exercises. The essential exercises include basic crunches, abs rollers, abs trainers, hip-lifts and leg raises. It would be a great idea to create a workout diary so you have a system to stick to & just as importantly be able to monitor your progress.

Rock hard abs are the result of diet, discipline, correct workouts and using the right tools, learn about Abdominal Exercise and correct eating plans at

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